-Antaran's Journal
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In the early morning - after a night full of nightmares about spiders - right a few moments after departing, a wheel of our carriage broke and we were forced to go back to Mirnda's to spend the whole day and the coming night. It would take a while until our coachman could repair everything. Of course, Mirnda was a bit worried because she didn't have a free room for us, so she let us stay in her own room. When we asked where she would sleep then, she said that she wouldn't sleep at all, she had enough work to do anyways. We felt really honored and appreciated her kindness. I still don't know how we can repay her, of course we will give her some money tomorrow before we leave again.
Well, we didn't have much to do today, so we just wandered around in the forest that surrounds the inn. Carana and me actually enjoyed it and we had a lot of fun together.
I'm still worried about Tartek, I hope he's alright.
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