I woke up in Mirnda's Inn with a terrible headache today. Carana told me what had happened ...
While we were driving on the road to Mirnda's Inn and I was writing my journal entry, suddenly someone jumped out of the forest and hit me on the head, rendering me unconscious (that's what I can remember). Someone else was following the first man and shot an arrow into our direction. Carana, who had awoken already, quickly rolled off the carriage and the arrow, aimed for Carana, hit the couchman in the back. Since I couldn't control my body, I fell off the carriage as well, fortunately dogding another arrow, which also hit the couchman in the back, who then also fell off the carriage. Another two men came out of their hideouts and ran towards my unconscious body. Carana ran to the couchman, and by drawing the dagger out of the sheath on his left leg, she slit the throat of the first man who had knocked me out and who was then trying to hit her with his fist. Blood got spilled over the white snow. She ran towards the archer, dodging two, three arrows, slitting his throat as well and using him as a shield against the incoming sword strike of another man, who was stunned because obviously it wasn't his intention to stab his own friend. Carana used that opportunity to defeat him like the other two. The fourth and last man was distracted, trying to find something valuable in my pockets. Carana saw him and yelled at him to leave me alone. The man looked up with a bored smile and drew his sword, as he suddenly saw the corpses of his comrades. His sword fell out of his right hand, his eyes opened up wide.
"Devil..." Carana heard him whispering. Then he ran away and disappeared in the woods.
Carana told me that she's had problems not to faint. She also scolded me, I should eat less in future so that it wouldn't be so hard to lift me up into a carriage next time.
"I drove the carriage to Mirnda's Inn. The horse did complain at first because it didn't know me, but it got quiet after a while. I feel sorry for the coachman, but I just wasn't able to get him on the carriage, even though I tried, but he was just ... too heavy," she said while sitting on the edge of my bed. She touched her forehead and closed her eyes.
"Shouldn't you be in bed instead of me?" I asked her.
"I've slept a long time. Besides, Mirnda was very helpful with everything, she brought tea and food to our room, she even asked a doctor, who is on the way to Astatik, to look after you."
I touched the bandage on my head. "That was him?"
Carana nodded. "Mirnda also sent out two of her servants to pick up the dead body of our coachman. Naturally, she knew him really well, since he passed by the inn every day. She even asked someone else to be our coachman for tomorrow, so we're taken care of."
Ironically, we were ambushed at the dark spot I mentioned when we were on our way to Astatik. I've heard some stories of people getting attacked on the road between Insomida and Astatik, but I'd have never thought that something like that would happen to us...
My head still hurts a bit, but that's nothing compared to how Carana is feeling right now, I guess. She's lying next to me, and I should probably blow out the candlelight and join her dreams.