-Antaran's Journal
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After a very good breakfast, and even a visit from the doctor before he left the inn, we were ready to get on our carriage and continue our journey home. Mirnda handed us food and bottles of water and wished us good luck.
The new coachman was maybe twenty years younger than the other one, and I don't lie when I say that he talked all the way to Insomida, and it took us the whole day to get home. I think we now know more about his life than his own wife. I still have his voice in my head, it's going from one ear to the other and bouncing back and forth, and everytime I try to shut him up, he's just becoming louder.
I'm preparing soup right now that will warm us up. Carana is going through her paintings and getting ready to draw more tomorrow. She really missed drawing about what had happened in her nightmares the past days, I can see that in her eyes. Telling me about those dreams is not enough to cope with it for her, I'm sure of that.
We still have to unpack our luggage, but that will have to wait for tomorrow.
I think soup is ready now.
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