The fourth version of The Farm is here!
This marks the first time in a decade I've rewritten this website from scratch. I've also updated a lot of project details and files. Most stories can be downloaded as PDF, Remains is now available at 320kbit, songs can all be downloaded individually and lyrics are available instantly as well.
There are still a few things that I will implement (and fix) in the next few days and weeks. For example, Fallen Sheep is still missing, as well as Remix and Cover, which collects all songs that were previously on Fallen Sheep, but were actually just remixes and covers (who would've thought). They'll both be here again soon.
In any case, I hope you guys like my new place! Take a seat, pour yourself some coffee (or tea or whine or water) and check out the stuff on display. And if something explodes, you know, unintentionally - let me know!