December 19th 2014

Alex Corruptor created a video to Insane Migraine using Open Hexagon and 500 lines of code (Lua and JSON files):

WASD 06The new WASD 06 is here, featuring an experimental interview with me (in English, even though the book is in German). I received the questions and was allowed to change whatever I wanted, and even modify the questions for the next interviewee. If you're interested in seeing how it all turned out, support the bookazine and buy a copy.

Some of you may remember Retention made by my friend Pinkerator, in which he also used songs from our collaboration project Keratordash. In any case, the game just got greenlit on Steam after roughly 830 days!

And last but not least, all Meadow Mayhem Pure Awesome editions have sold out now. Now to sell all the Pure Pawesome editions of Rotten Melody!