Anyway! Walter's Deal is coming along, I just have to read it once more and meanwhile I'll probably get feedback from beta-readers. If you would like to be a part of it, you know where to find me.
Apart from that, I'd also like to talk to you about a thing called Patreon.

I know some of you have tried to show your support with your hard earned money in the past, and the shop is kind of awkward for that (what's a "Pawesome Edition" anyway?!). That's why I've set up my Patreon Page, which is basically a subscription. For example, you give me a dollar each month, and I'll be there to post about what's going on with my projects (and my life) (almost) every day.
Basically it's about you firing some motivation my way. In return, since I'm almost done writing, I'll start making more games like "The Shortest Game", "Phrasegames", "Download Master", "ScarCity", ...
Oops. You saw nothing.