In hq2_3 there was an issue that you could see the white lines when you looked up before you even pressed a button, which was supposed to reveal the lines.
At first I thought it was a compiler error because I remembered seeing "you need lights - you probably don't want a pitch black map" somewhere when compiling all of HQA. But that wasn't the problem.
There was a light and it was placed exactly the same as 15 years ago. So, it was probably the compiler interpreting it differently.
I played around with the "fade out" settings of the light and moved the entity around a little. In the end, then light is now a bit inside the button on the ground. And I simply extended the black walls to the very top.
The walls moving up are one giant func_door and now that it was higher, it took longer for the target of the door to get fired when it was open. I had to give it a "lip" of around 896 so that it would stop going up just at the same location as before. And that was that.
I continued playing until "Patience" and I'm glad to say that most things work as intended. The biggest issues so far were:
* The Sword of Sadism doesn't actually do 9999 damage, because it uses the crowbar default settings :D
* In hq2_8, at the first "victim execution" the first camera doesn't work, the second does, I assume it needs to be triggered "by the player" again, just like the camera in HQ1's intro map
* The marine who was writing the diary entries still has the default HP, this can be easily fixed with SoHL in Hammer.
* A weird lighting error in hq2_14, where everything should be white:
Other than that there were only a few minor things. In total I found about 20 issues today. I'll create github issues out of all of these and continue testing, but so far, I'm still optimistic :D