I continued testing HQA, and here's the stuff I was able to find:
* At the end of patience, you can activate the music box again during the speech, which is actually kinda funny, so I'll probably have to leave that in :D Probably not worth testing "patience" over and over again :P
* Some textures have weird "gray" backgrounds, as in, they don't have a totally pitch black background but some kind of artifact that happened when I cut or moved it around in Paint Shop Pro or whatever I was using back then. Not sure if I want to fix these, but I'll note it down nevertheless.
* There was a section in "repeat 3" where you could die in lava, despite wielding the sword of sadism. Uhm, yeah! I think I'll have to do something about that XD
* The biggest issue I found today was that the trigger_multitarget seems to be bugged. It causes the puzzle you see at the top to stop working, and also the buttons below Somos. I need to do some testing to figure out why they are broken and then implement some kind of workarounds.
* The sword of sadism still doesn't do 999 damage, but I thought I could circumvent that by simply giving all enemies, which you are supposed to defeat with the sword, only 1 HP via the custom value of SoHL. That could work. But that still leaves open the weapon sounds and the actual model, which is supposed to be the crowbar in HQ1. I *could* probably find a creative way to work around that but... the best solution would simply be to add a custom weapon to SoHL's codebase, and I want to avoid touching the code as much as possible, because I can feel how fragile it is at the seams.
In the meantime, I've gathered some ideas for the song replacements, I think that's going to be lots of fun (:
To be continued... (<