Began implementing the Sword of Sadism as an actual weapon (clone of the crowbar), but couldn't quite get it to work at first. There was a duplicate function that I probably could just inherit from the crowbar class, but there was also a weird error that was somewhat related to git and not showing swordofsadism.cpp in the client_dll project.
I continued trying the next day and finally got it to work, thanks to code-pairing with Auri. The cpp file error went away "over night" (these things happen, I swear) and we simply renamed the duplicate function (don't do this at home :P). The Sword of Sadism is its own weapon now, complete with models and sounds!
We even managed to add the ability that it doesn't let the player lose any health, and that it also deals 999 damage. This is a historic moment for me personally :D I think my 16-year-old self is totally going crazy right now xD "Whaaaat? Crowbar and Sword of Sadism can be equipped at the same time?! And I don't have to add trigger_hurt boxes covering the whole map with a damage value of -999 anymore? :O"
Now I just needed to swap the weapon_crowbar for weapon_swordofsadism wherever necessary.
This will fix a lot of issues, actually. Overall, this opened the door for more fixes that I can do easily in code, thanks to throwing away my fear of touching the source of SoHL1.8a. I'm super excited now, and I hope you share that excitement :D
To be continued (<