* I fixed a weird white line in the sky (turns out it was a wall texture in the distance (see the top image of this post) and not aliens). Has this always been there?! XD
* Fixed some texture alignment of the rocks in ambience.
* Fixed the door entrance to one of the hammer sequences not being white enough anymore:
* Fixed camera framing of aforementioned hammer sequence, and made sure that the hammers go back up again instantly (also in hq2_8). They had a "delay before close" of 2 seconds, but that got ignored in the past because when the door hit an NPC, it immediately went back up. Maybe it's a feature of SoHL, who knows. Anyway, I set the delay before closing to 0.1, and it feels better again. Here's the shot before fixing the framing (and before fixing its initial view direction):
* I fixed one of the music boxes in patience not being in the corner.
(Yes, the screenshot was necessary. xD Also, I have no idea why it was so far away from the corner.)
* I fixed some weird lighting in one of the tunnels by adding a light inside of the tunnel. Granted, it's not much better now, but at least it looks somewhat on purpose, and that's enough for something most people won't even see (the train passes super quickly). I also tried fixing it by remaking the arch, but no luck. Oh well, my time is better spent elsewhere. :D This was before the fix:
* Fixed a weird line on the side of the music box, which only appeared when it showed 1, 2 or 3, but not in its "off" state.
(It's the horizontal line on the right - it sorta looks okay, but it's not supposed to be there. :D)
* I fixed being able to turn the music box in "patience" back on when the end sequence started (with me telling you how life really is). It was funny though, maybe I should've kept it in. xD
* I noticed that I'm still using the "tetris" music in two locations in HQA, and it's a direct recording from my old Gameboy. I looked up the rights and found out that the song itself is public domain, but the sounds from the game are definitely copyrighted by Nintendo, so I'll make a new version for that.
* I contacted Valve again after I got encouraged again by several Very Important People (hi!), but no luck so far. I'll keep trying! To sum up my previous (locked) post, I've had some doubts about a standalone version, but I'll just give it my best shot. If it turns out a total mess, I can always revert back to the Trilogy simply being downloadable as a mod for Half-Life (on Steam). Keep wishing me luck and crossing your fingers!
Next up will be more little fixes and I'll probably do a quick roadmap/overview to get a feeling of where I am with the project.
To be continued... (<