* As I mentioned previously, footstep sounds didn't update when changing maps (i.e. from hq2 to hq3). I set up my test maps with a quick changelevel, made a new function UpdateHQSounds() for player.cpp and called that when spawning as well as restoring. Now it works all the time :D
* I still had to fix sounds for pushables and breakables. They did give me a bit of trouble because of different precaching functions, but I rewrote them to be compatible with what I want to do and now these sounds also work.
* I forgot to add the new life cell sounds to the HQ2 "training" map, so I did that and also fixed the "life" block on the ground, which looked a bit stretched.
* In hq2_11 there was still the normal pain sound being played, I fixed that to play the HQ2 pain sound when clicking one of the buttons.
* There was a weird transition error between hq3_1 and hq3_1i, but simple recompiling seemed to work. I assume it was a compiled map from when I tested out other hull maps / compiling tools. It works again without getting stuck, and that's what matters.
* I looked at the menu file to have a working navigation when the game starts, I probably want to use the HQA style menu (normal navigation items instead of the ASCII art thingy in HQS), but not sure yet.
* I kept working on the starting area, refining the look of the walls outside of the player's view (you can see parts of it through the "windows"), and I added the first few brushes to connect to the training maps later on.
* I started making the next song because my brain kept on playing the same idea over and over for two days. It began with a simple digital sketch of drums, bass and guitar. A day later, I recorded acoustic guitar and voice based on the sketch. I have ideas for the drums, which I'll be able to create today or tomorrow. Suffice to say, it's already going somewhere, so I'm excited to have another song ready soon!
* I also looked at making loops for Patience out of the new songs. This will require a bit more work. Also, the "triste" song in Pestilence isn't looped neatly enough, there is still a bit of a pause in the end, which is caused by not moving the volume adjuster to the very end of the wave file in Samplitude. I'll export that again too, as soon as I continue working on these loops.
Side note: It's way too hot in Vienna, hopefully you all are hanging in there! Unless you enjoy the heat, then more power to you :D
To be continued... (<