hqtrilogy log nr. 57

I have fixed various lighting and texture issues, added a message below the Mary Cogwheel poster, slightly adjusted the music dance trap in hq3_3, and added a bunch of new easter eggs all over the trilogy.

There are still a few easter eggs left to implement, but then I'm done with Easter. :D

All walkthroughs have been added to the build directory in their original form as text files. For HQ1, I copied the text from the old website that I still have lying around on my harddrive and fixed a few grammar mistakes (yay!).

But more importantly, we now have our very own Halfquake Discord channel!


It's a positive, friendly, safe-for-work server with lots of cool and creative people. If you join, please make sure to remain civilized and read the rules. Thank you!

And now, back to work. :D

To be continued... (<