-Antaran's Journal
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I had to deliver a letter to my wife today, it was sent by her parents. They invited her to come and see their new house they live in. Carana didn't even know that they were going to buy a new house, but it has also been a while since they last spoke. We don't know when we will go there yet though.
Shimad's was packed with customers today, it seemed like the whole town was gathered to empty the shop. To my surprise I was still able to buy two new books for me to read.
Both the banker and Scarlat haven't heard anything related to the jail. Tartek was in a very good mood today and we had a drink at Scarlat's after work. When I came home Carana was just arriving from school as well. She said that this year has been the most successful year of her life. I really enjoy it when she's happy, it's a rare occasion, unfortunately...
We really have to do something about the jail incidents. Whenever I think about it I get so angry that I could crush walls with my bare fist. And I bet that wouldn't hurt as bad as it does when thinking about what they have done to Carana...
I try not to talk about it in front of her actually, because I want her to forget about it. She always gets reminded of it in her nightmares anyway, so I want to spare her additional thoughts about it during the day.
Honestly, I can't wait to finally get a few days off work and visit her parents in Astatik. It's a nice town, much calmer than Insomida. And the king seems to be nicer and actually kind of available to the people, unlike our king here. I think it has been two years since we last saw him.
Anyway, I can't wait to finally start reading one of my new books, so I'm going to do just that. Good night.
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