-Antaran's Journal
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Horrible day. First: I overslept and came too late to work. Second: Tartek wasn't here. I don't know why Jonar and Bikk weren't present, but they sure had their reasons (as usual). The office of the Insomida Delivery Service wasn't even open yet (I was glad that Tartek once gave me a copy of the key that opens the front door). And I can't say that I really missed delivering. People are unfriendly and never thank you for your deeds, packages are mostly heavy, and I don't know why but I always find a way to cut myself with the papers that I have to fill out for people who can't accept a delivery. At least there was no snow lying around today. I heard winter's about to finish his reign.
After work I wanted to visit Tartek, but his house was obviously empty, nobody answered the door, nor did I see any candlelight inside. I sure hope he knows what he's doing, and that he has a good apology for not being at work today.
Since I had some time left, I paid Shimad a visit. The good old man greeted me with a warm smile.
"Hey, Sivand. Haven't seen you in a while, don't you like me anymore?"
"I've been on vacation," I said simply, with a tired face. I asked if there had been any happenings in Insomida that I should have known of, but Shimad shook his head.
"But I have a new delivery of books that you might be interested in," he said.
I smiled and told him that it would have to wait for another day, since I was already in a hurry to get home to my wife.
Carana is doing well. She spent the whole day drawing four paintings. Even trying to describe them would be degrading, they're just that beautiful. I was glad when she told me that her nightmares have almost ceased to appear.
She's already in bed and I'm eager to join her and listen to what she's saying in her sleep.
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