I fixed the rotating buttons not triggering their target in one of the puzzles of Violence. Apparently, making rotating buttons "not solid" causes them to not reset, even if a reset value is given.
The bug with buttons below Somos is something different, which I haven't figured out. Apparently you can't use the same buttons for two different multisources. I made a test case in my test map to confirm my theory, but did not find a direct solution. To circumvent the error, I just removed the multisources and let the buttons fire the multi_managers directly. Now you don't have to press all the buttons below Somos, except the first time, which is fine by me. >D
With the Somos bug fixed, I was able to finish HQA. I found a few more issues:
1) Explosions don't hurt anymore near the buttons on the top hats (fixed)
2) When going through the hole in the ground after defeating Somos, the fall would always kill the player - the issue was trigger_push not pointing "up", which was caused by automatically fixing unset values. (fixed)
3) If you drop down in one of the two drained ground areas after defeating Somos, you can get stuck xD Might have to carve a hole into the wall for the player to be able to walk through.
4) As I mentioned in a previous post, the camera in the credits scene needs to be further away:
I have 32 open issues now, which I will work on next before doing anything else. I want to at least resolve one issue a day, although that sounds like not a lot, but I'm sure once I have started working on the game I'll fix more than just one anyway. :D Tricking yourself into starting is the best thing you can do if you want to get something done!
To be continued (<