After a little bit of a break due to real life stuff, I've slowly returned to working on the Steam release for the Halfquake Trilogy! Here's what I did in the past two weeks:
* I contacted Valve again, no response so far, but keep all your fingers and toes crossed, it'll happen sooner that way!
* I made a complete list of all the textures that I need / want to replace, spent several hours looking at art on deviantart and twitter, and now have about ten artists that I will contact in the next few days. (I already sent a message to one artist who creates awesome Giger-esque paintings.) I also got sent a bunch of recommendations by friends that I checked out as well (thank you!).
* I finished fixing all doors in halfquake9, and finished refining the beds and cupboards (basically making them thinner and smaller, so they seem more "realistic"). (The bed in the teenager's room now resembles the bed I had when I was making HQ. :D Well, it wasn't black, but it's basically the same shape...)
* I've finished the looping part of my tetris cover and put it in the game (it's heard at the beginning in hq2_2 and at the "bonus stage" at hq2_26). At first, it kept crashing after the wave file was done playing, and then I figured out that it somehow had to do something with the way Samplitude (my DAW) exports WAV files. I imported and re-exported the WAV file with Audacity, and then it worked. Weird, but at least now I know what I have to do for the next few pieces of music.
* Speaking of which, I started making the next song replacement (for HQA). I started working on it on the e-piano, then recorded about a dozen lines or so with different (digital) instruments. Now I have to arrange it and record more (acoustic) instruments. I'll let y'all listen in, as soon as it's ready to be listened to.
* I got an easter egg map from my friend Dmitry, which I played through. You'll see more of it when it's all done (and if you can discover it xD), don't want to spoil it.
* I transcribed a bunch of dialogues for all three HQ parts. I'm still not sure if I will be able to provide subtitles or different languages, but I'll definitely give it a try, and having all the dialogues / speeches as text will help a lot with that, naturally.
* I went through old text files and noted down some ideas I never used for a bunch of easter eggs. This will definitely be handy.
* I visited the studio of my new friend again to record some contrabass for a different project of mine (it's still a goddamn secret :P). This is related to HQ because I might record some stuff for the HQ Trilogy as well over there in the near future, which is very exciting. :D
I believe the log entries will be a bit shorter from now on as I keep working on new music, and there's not a lot to show, apart from some early drafts. But you'll all be the first ones to hear everything, promised!
I wish you all a great week; stay happy & healthy.
To be continued... (<