This was quite a week! Here's what happened:
* I continued working on the new song every day, adding more instruments, including acoustic guitar. You can listen to its current state below. (This is a work in progress, so take a listen only if you want to spoil the in-game end result for yourself. I consider it 95% finished, just needs a bit more cleaning up.)
* I started "sketching" the next two songs. After those are done as well, I will (probably) start contacting other musicians for collabs and/or contributions (hi, Mathias!).
* I contacted various people, and I can now confirm that I'm allowed to use paintings / photos created by five incredible artists (with the possibility of two more). This is enough to replace every copyrighted texture within all three games. I will announce all of their names / websites in a separate post closer to the finish line, once all images are in place.
This will greatly increase the quality of the trilogy and you have no idea how happy this makes me. All of these art pieces are phenomenal and I can't wait to share it with y'all. I'm so excited :D
In the next few days I will probably continue making music or start adding the new images into the game. We'll see what my mind wants to do first.
To be continued... (<