Sometimes, instead of using my PC, I just like to sit down and focus on making music on my laptop next to my sleeping cat (this is Yaki, btw). This week I've done a lot of this, but I have nothing to show for you guys today (first version should be done by next Tuesday, though!).
Here's what I did, concerning music:
* I kept working on the song I shared last week (by the way, the song's called "leaving hope academy"), mostly minor details. I'm sure I'll come back to it later on.
* I worked on a song for another project, it has a name but that's locked behind an NDA $__$ (I'm so stoked about having my music in this project, really can't wait to share it with you all. :D)
* I worked on a new song for hqtrilogy, it's called "three thousand years" and it's a bit more aggressive / chaotic than the last one. I'm trying some new things again with this one, i.e. with percussion, acoustic guitar and (probably) vocals. This will be fun. :D
As some of you probably know, making music means many hours just listening to the same song with various devices (mobile phone (with and without headphones), car stereo, bluetooth speakers, pc speakers, etc.), then going back into the song, sitting down at the e-piano to test ideas, adding or changing one thing to the song, and repeating the process the next day with fresh ears. Not sure if sharing the in-between steps of each version is worth doing, it probably would just kill the music for you, honestly. xD
But I will say that for the new song I recorded a bunch of additional ideas with my mobile phone the past few days, and I did a real recording for most of them today. The song keeps bouncing around in my mind, spawning ideas every now and then which I quickly have to catch on a recorder, otherwise they're gone pretty fast (especially if you hear a different song suddenly).
I also did a bit of non-music related stuff, such as preparing all the images I have received permission for to use in HQ, so I can use them as textures. A sixth artist has given me permission, and I'll let you know in detail who they are right before it's all done (I don't want to promote this page with their images, so I'll probably just announce them on Twitter or in a Farm news post).
Finally, I fleshed out my idea for the mod selection map and I plan on doing a rough first draft directly in Hammer pretty soon. I'll try to record it, so you can watch me build it, in case that's something you'd like to do.
Hope you're all having a great week!
P.S.: Valve hasn't written back yet.
To be continued... (<